• 2025 - 2026 Kindergarten Registration

    Registration Packets for Kindergarten will be accepted within the following dates:

    MARCH 17 - MARCH 28, 2025

    The minimum Kindergarten entrance age is five (5.0) years as of September 1 of the year the
    child enters school.  Register at Taft ELC, 16 Granite Street, Uxbridge. A registration packet can be downloaded
    from the school website, www.Uxbridgeschools.com, or picked up at Taft office between 9-2.

    Please bring the completed registration packet with you, along with the following:

    Proof of Uxbridge Residency:

    • Original or copy of birth certificate with raised seal ( we will make a copy and give you the original back)
    • Parent(s)/ Guardians Visa (if not a U.S. citizen)
    • One of the following: A copy of lease signed by lessor and lessee or tenant and landlord, mortgage agreement/ property tax bill; or copy of HUD lease 
    • One of the following: (recent within the last 60 days) gas bill, oil bill, electric bill, home phone (not a cell phone bill), cable bill, water bill
    • On of the following: valid driver's license, current vehicle registration, valid Massachusetts photo identification card (with Uxbridge address)

    In addition you will need:

    • Immunization records/recent physical (within one year)
    • In cases of divorce/separation, provide a copy of divorce decree with custody agreement or any information regarding custody, (i.e. restraining order, etc.)

    Please email Mellisa Peloquin,  mpeloquin@uxbridge.k12.ma.us  or call with any questions 508-278-8643. Upon completion of registration, your child will be scheduled for a screening which will take place at a later date to be determined.


  • If you have any further questions pertaining to new student registration you may call Taft Early Learning Center: (508) 278-8643, (PreK - 3).

    To Register Students in K-3

    Please click on the Registration link, download and complete the registration packet, and email it to Mellisa Peloquin at mpeloquin@uxbridge.k12.ma.us.

    If you need to pick up a registration packet, please stop by between 9-2 PM.